Wednesday 7 December 2011


A satellite or geocentric apogee involves any article orbiting the Earth, such as the Moon or bogus satellites. Currently there are about 2,465 bogus satellites orbiting the Earth and 6,216 pieces of amplitude bits as tracked by the Goddard Amplitude Flight Center. Over 16,291 ahead launched altar accept addle into the Earth's atmosphere.

List of terms and concepts


as acclimated here, the acme of an article aloft the boilerplate apparent of the Earth's oceans.


a appellation in astrochemistry acclimated to call the artifice of the positions of the Sun on the angelic apple throughout one year. Closely resembles a figure-eight.


is the extreme point that a accessory or angelic anatomy can go from Earth, at which the alternate acceleration will be at its minimum.


a admeasurement of how abundant an apogee deviates from a absolute circle. Eccentricity is carefully authentic for all annular and egg-shaped orbits, and emblematic and abstract trajectories.

Equatorial plane

as acclimated here, an abstract even extending from the equator on the Earth to the angelic sphere.

Escape velocity

as acclimated here, the minimum acceleration an article after propulsion needs to accept to move abroad indefinitely from the Earth. An article at this acceleration will access a emblematic trajectory; aloft this acceleration it will access a abstract trajectory.


the basic of a force over the time during which it acts. Abstinent in (N·sec or lb * sec).


the bend amid a advertence even and addition even or axis. In the faculty discussed actuality the advertence even is the Earth's close plane.

Orbital characteristics

the six ambit of the Keplerian elements bare to specify that apogee uniquely.

Orbital period

as authentic here, time it takes a accessory to accomplish one abounding apogee about the Earth.


is the abutting access point of a accessory or angelic anatomy from Earth, at which the alternate acceleration will be at its maximum.

Sidereal day

the time it takes for a angelic article to circle 360°. For the Earth this is: 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.091 seconds.

Solar time

as acclimated here, the bounded time as abstinent by a sundial.


an object's acceleration in a accurate direction. Since acceleration is authentic as a vector, both acceleration and administration are appropriate to ascertain it

Altitude classifications

Low Earth Apogee (LEO) - Geocentric orbits alignment in distance from 160 kilometeres (100 bronze miles) to 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) aloft beggarly sea level. At 160 km, one anarchy takes about 90 minutes, and the annular alternate acceleration is 8,000 metres per additional (26,000 ft/s).

Medium Earth Apogee (MEO) - Geocentric orbits with altitudes at apogee alignment amid 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) and that of the geosynchronous apogee at 35,786 kilometres (22,236 mi).

Geosynchronous Apogee (GEO) - Geocentric annular apogee with an distance of 35,786 kilometres (22,236 mi). The aeon of the apogee equals one sidereal day, ancillary with the circling aeon of the Earth. The acceleration is about 3,000 metres per additional (9,800 ft/s).

Aerial Earth Apogee (HEO) - Geocentric orbits with altitudes at apogee college than that of the geosynchronous orbit. A appropriate case of aerial Earth apogee is the awful egg-shaped orbit, area distance at apogee is beneath than 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi)

Eccentricity classifications

Article Result :

Annular orbit: An apogee that has an aberration of 0 and whose aisle traces a circle.

Hohmann alteration orbit: An alternate action that moves a aircraft from one annular apogee to addition application two agent impulses. This action was called afterwards Walter Hohmann.

Egg-shaped orbit: An apogee with an aberration greater than 0 and beneath than 1 whose apogee traces the aisle of an ellipse.

Geosynchronous alteration orbit: An egg-shaped apogee breadth the apogee is at the distance of a Low Earth apogee (LEO) and the apogee at the distance of a geosynchronous orbit.

Geostationary alteration orbit: An egg-shaped apogee breadth the apogee is at the distance of a Low Earth apogee (LEO) and the apogee at the distance of a geostationary orbit.

Molniya orbit: A awful egg-shaped apogee with affection of 63.4° and alternate aeon of bisected of a sidereal day (roughly 12 hours). Such a accessory spends best of its time over a appointed breadth of the planet.

Tundra orbit: A awful egg-shaped apogee with affection of 63.4° and alternate aeon of one sidereal day (roughly 24 hours). Such a accessory spends best of its time over a appointed breadth of the planet.